As some of you reading this may know, our firstborn son, Glenn III, was diagnosed at the age of 6 months with a terminal genetic disease called Spinal Muscular Atrophy type 1, also known as Werdnig-Hoffmann disease. Children with Werdnig-Hoffmann typically do not make it to the age of 2. This disease affects voluntary muscle movement, and because it is a progressive disease with no cure, the muscles continue to get weaker and weaker. Children with this disease cannot lift up there head, roll over, sit up, or walk, and as the disease progresses, they lose the ability to swallow and the respiratory muscles get weaker, eventually leading to respiratory arrest. Our precious Glennie passed away when he was 20 months old, and our time with him on this earth was exceptionally short. As I said above, children with SMA type 1 typically do not make it to the age of 2, but there are exceptions. There are children who have beaten the odds and are now 4 or 10 or even 22 years old.
My sister-in-law, Sarah, has stage III brain cancer. She is a beautfiul and all-around amazing woman, wife, and mother of 3.
It makes me livid and sick that under Obama"care," people like Glennie and Sarah as well as anyone with a disease classified as "terminal" will not get the care they need. They will have no hope, as they are "doomed" anyway. I am so extremely thankful beyond words that we did not have this plan while Glennie was alive and that we were able to get him the medical care that he so badly needed. I am exceptionally thankful for the already-too-short time we had with him, and that that time was not cut shorter than it was. I am thankful that we did not have to sit and watch him starve to death because we would have been unable to get him into surgery for a gastric tube when he became unable to eat by mouth. According to this "kill bill," he would have been expendable just like anyone else with a termianl disease, and just like our elderly with health issues that have gone beyond a certain point. And how about the funding for abortions? We can pay to kill our unborn, and to save money on healthcare we can kill those who are supposedly beyond hope.
I honestly can say that I have never been so angry at something in all my life. This bill is as un-American as it gets. I will admit that I do not understand much about politics, even though I have been married to a staunch conservative for the past 8 years who amazes me everyday with how much he knows. But in my politically-limited mind, I know that this kill bill is a bunch of bunk, to put it lightly, and is completely and utterly wrong. It is moral-less and thoughtless. To quote Glenn Beck, this health care plan is not about health or caring. This shouldn't be about right or left, Democrat or Conservative. To me, no matter who you are it is simply about right and wrong, and we need to do whatever we can to make sure this bill does not pass. Babies will die, and our loved ones who need good medical care will not get it.
And one last thing: I wonder what would happen if President Obama ever was diagnosed with one of the many "hopeless" diseases. Would he be able to get treatment? I think so, as he is apparently not as expendable as the rest of us are. You better not get sick, people, or you become a liability to society and will lose your right to life.