Monday, February 2, 2009

One of my favorite things

Every night when he goes to bed, Jeff asks to sleep in our bed. We allow him to more than we should, I'll admit. But I love to get my work, chores, and shower done before he goes to bed so that I can lay down with him and watch TV. He loves to watch America's Funniest Home Videos ( "funny videos" to him) and shows like "Destroyed in Seconds" ("crashing show") where things crash and blow up and basically get destroyed. What a boy he is, and quite possibly a future Marine. Sometimes he falls asleep watching TV, but when he doesn't, I will turn it off, kiss him goodnight, and give him a "nighttime toy." I will always come back later and lay down with him while he is sleeping and watch TV. I love to watch him sleep. Any mischief or trouble he got into during the day is as good as gone as he lays there sleeping. I like to get into bed a little before Glenn does just so I can lay there for a few minutes, and if we get there at the same time, I tell Glenn just to wait a few seconds before carrying him off to bed so that I can see him.

As for Jack, I stay up late, until at least 12;30 AM so I can change his diaper. Otherwise, he will be swimming by morning. I change his diaper, and then brush his teeth since he usually goes to bed with a sippy cup of milk. Bad for teeth, I know, but that is why I brush them when I changes his diaper. Anyway, when I finish changing him and brushing his teeth, I cover him back up with his blanket. He immediately takes his blanket and stuffs a small part of it into his mouth to suck on, like he just cannot get enough blanket into his mouth.

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