Sunday, September 2, 2007

Wow, this throws me for a loop. If I go to NJ for more than a month, we will lose our house. Per military housing policy, both of us cannot be gone for more than 30 days or we have to move out. I know Glenn doesn't mind too much and was already willing before he left to move out and just look for a new place when he gets back. Unfortunately, I have already excitedly envisioned his homecoming and having him walk through the door to our house after 7 long months away from home. Although I don't really want to stay there while he is gone because it has no air conditioning and has been extremely hot lately and, most of all, the person who makes it most like a home is gone, I don't want to give it up. I quite like it when he is there. What a decision to make! Do I make it easier on myself during the time he is gone and then not have a house of our own when he returns, or tough it out in this hot, lonely house, yet keep it? Honestly, I don't want to be in this house right now, but I want it later.

1 comment:

BJ said...

Yes, it it warm...want to come play with us tomorrow (labor Day)? We are just hanging out by the pool and going to cook something. Kristin will be here with her family too. Let us know....The pool is very refreshing. Love, BJ