Friday, July 25, 2008

I know some of you reading this may find this surprising, but I have not set foot in a Starbucks for at least a few weeks now. Why, you ask? No, it's not because I'm jumping on the corporate-greed bandwagon, or even the burnt-coffee-taste bandwagon. After going to Starbucks nearly every day for about 5 years, it hit me one day that I was just sick of drinking the same drinks. I needed a different taste. So, for anyone that has a Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf nearby, they have quite possibly the best drink ever made, a White Chocolate Dream Ice Blended. It's basically a white chocolate blended coffee drink, with swirls of chocolate syrup throughout. I have had one every single day for about 2 weeks, since my discovery of it, and I don't know if I can live without it. I'm sure I will get sick of it someday, and then get something else every day until I get sick of that, and so on and so on. But for now, I need it. I have a problem.

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